Dimpy Mahajan who ran to media to wash the dirty linen of her personal life has requested to respect the privacy of her marital life. While talking to media she acted like typical timid Indian housewife and instead of exposing the horrible behaviour of Rahul Mahajan, she accused Payal Rohatgi of pestering and follwing her husband with her phone calls and text messages. It seems that Dimpy wants to risk her life once again as it is more than likely that she will have to opt for reconciliation with hubby Rahul Mahajan who is more than 15 years senior to her.
Payal Rohatgi had earlier talked with media and made it very clear that she is not interested in the personal life of Rahul and Dimpy. What Payal has to say after the fresh set of accusations by Dimpy could be really interesting.
Anyway, the fact is all three- Dimpy, Rahul and Payal are out of business and the mishaps of their personal life is the only thing which is saleable and give them some media spotlight. No need to elaborate that media spotlight is really indispensable if you want to remain favourite with the reality show makers.