Nowadays, promoting your organization on internet has become quite easy. The best thing is you need not make any sort of payment for that. Frankly speaking if you make payment that is your own choice and by doing that you might end up paying someone who is not providing any real service to your. Coming to the topic you should judge online classified on the bassis of three parameters:
1. Alexa Rank- Don't ever list your website on a classified service which doesn't rank within 100000. Any website ranking beyond that is not worth for classified services.
2. Don't ever make payment for any classified listing.
3. Check out the online tools that you get for designing your classified or business listing.
I have prepared a list of world's 5 best business listing or classified services for Indians:
Its not a classified dear. They are providing a complete online store in Marketplace. Tell me where i can list everything of my store(500 items)/year with regional touch of Bihar and Jharkhand District. Bihar will have quality of USA atleast someone start someday itstead of critising.Lets work to develop in all spheres instead gossiping and wasting time .
ReplyDeleteAtleast I am satisfied that only is able to fulfil my purpose of showcase for the people of Bihar and Jharkhand. Search Before you visit my store will save customer as well as my effort and time.