Saturday, January 15, 2011
JPSC 2011 Admit Card Online Download
As the website of JPSC was not working so many applicants were worried for the exam date and admit cards. It would be relief for all such candidates, as now the website is going to be operational from 16th January,2011.
The examination will be organise in two sittings. The first sitting is for General Studies and it will start from 11 am and continue till 1 pm . The second sitting is for Optional Subject and it will start from 2 pm and continue till 4 pm.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
JPSC Recruitment 2011 - Next Job Notification
Jharkhand Public Service Commission currently is going through grilling process, because of the scam reported in the last appointment of the candidates in the exam of JPSC 2007-08. Candidates who are willing to appear in the next recruitment of JPSC are eager to know when the next job notifications will be published. It has left the aspiring candidates in doldrums situation whether to prepare for the exam or not. Nothing official statement has come from the JPSC . Irony is that almost all the major member of JPSC were accused in JPSC Recruitment scams. Some of them are sacked. About 37 candidates, who were selected as officers through wrong means by JPSC are also sacked.
In the second JPSC examination, 172 administrative officers were appointed in 2007-08. Vigilance bureau’s reports has stated that more than 50 percent of the candidates were appointed illegally. Therefore, it would be difficult to say what would be the future of JPSC in 2011.